A Design Award: SDA Runner-Up”Smart Coffeepot”

A Design Award: SDA Runner-Up”Smart Coffeepot”

A Design Award: SDA Runner-Up”Smart Coffeepot”

In recent days, we received delightful news of an award that cheered us up!

We are excited to add a new design among the products we produce from design to assembly, and of receiving an award with these designs.

Our “Smart Coffeepot” Turkish Coffee machine project, prepared under the signature of Kübra Nur Şahin from our R&D Team, returned with the runner-up in the A Design Award – Home Appliances category. As we take pride in our team’s project, we are once again experiencing the joy of embarking on new projects.

We thank our entire team and Kübra Nur for their efforts and wish them continued success.

You can find more detailed information at the link;

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