Cookie Policy

In order to use our website in the most efficient way and to improve your user experience, we use cookies on, just like most websites. This Cookie Policy explains which type of cookies are used and under what conditions to all visitors of our website and our users.

What is Cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored in your device or network server by internet sites you visit on our computer or mobile device.

What Kind of Data are Processed in Cookies?

Depending on the type of cookies on websites, data regarding your browsing and usage preferences on the device you visit the website are collected. This data includes information about the pages you access, the services and products you analyze, the language you prefer, and your other preferences.

For Which Purposes Are Cookies Used?

These small text files including your language preferences and other setting on the website help us remember your preferences in your future visits of the website and make improvements in our services to improve your experience on the website. Thus, you can have an improved an personalized user experience in your next visit to our website.

The main purposes of using cookies in our website are as follows:

– Increasing performance of the website
– Improving and facilitating services provided on the website,
– Presenting new properties through the website and personalizing properties according to your preferences,
– Ensuring legal and commercial safety for you and our company,
– Preventing fake processes on the website,
– Fulfilling legal and contractual obligations, starting from those arising from the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts, and the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet.

Types of Cookies:

Cookie Types Based on Storage Duration:

Session Cookies:

Session cookies ensure the website properly works during your visit. They are used for purposes such as ensuring safety and continuity of our websites and your visit. Session cookies are temporary cookies. They are erased when you close your browser and revisit our website. They are not permanent.

Permanent Cookies:

These cookies help remembering your information and preferences are remembered by our website in your next visit. Permanent cookies remain stored after your close the browser you use to visit our website or even after you restart your computer. These cookies are kept in subfolders of your browser until they are deleted from your browser settings.

Types of Cookies in Terms of Use:

First and Third Person Cookies:

First person cookies are used by our website. Third party cookies are cookies installed on your computer other than our site. Both first and third person cookies are used on our website.

Functionality Cookies:

Functionality Coolies are used to ease your visit and improve your experience on our website. These cookies remember your previous visit to the website and ensure you easily access content.

Analytical Cookies:

Analytical Cookies include data ensuring we observe which pages capture more attention, which resources are viewed more, see the traffic on our websites to ensure we provide suitable services to this traffic. Cookies used in this quality store information anonymously.

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising or Targeting cookies ensure we determine and present content close to your interest. Third party advertising cookies may be placed on our website and mobile site, other websites we place ads to for recognizing you and presenting personalized ads. These cookies are also used to measure efficiency of our ads.

How Can You Prevent Cookies?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, if you wish, you can reject cookies by changing settings of your browser. Please remember that in case you reject cookies some properties and services in our website might not work properly, our website may not be personalized and customized according to your experience.

You have the ability to change your browser settings to change your cookie preferences. Browser producers present help pages regarding management of cookies in their products. Please click for more information:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Internet Explorer:


Opera Mobile:

Safari Computer:

Safari Mobile:

Contact Us
Contact us to send us all your questions and opinions on our Cookie Policy!